Today, I’m going to talk about Filecoin’s futurePrice issues。

With this timeThe whole B circleFilecoin also showed a rapid downward trend

In such a situation, a lot of people are veryworry, worry and fear, evenfear。

Fear is the nearestLUNAIn just a few days, it went from dozens to hundreds of dollars to a minimum of four zeros after the decimal point
In this case, a lot of people worry that one day my B will have this situation, will it suddenly appear in a few daysZeroingof the situation

So LUNA casts a shadow over the whole coin circle during this time, even afearof the atmosphere

In this case, there was a certain panic throughout Circle B, especially investors who had just entered the circle, who had not experienced the likes of Bit EtherBig ups and downsof new investors
But we also see that some of the software related to Twitter and so on can see that there are someOld investorsThis is also commonplace because they have experienced the ups and downs of Bitcoin etheric squares, such as 13 to 14 and 18 and 19

For many of our early-stage investors in Filecoin, most of them were in2019That’s when we started to get involved with Filecoin, and that’s when we focused on Circle B
At that time, we also experienced 19 years of Bitcoin 3800 points and the etheric square ten dollars period, but also witnessed the 19 years of seeing the B circle is a high trend, has been rising, thus let us understand the B circlewealth effectBut I haven’t experienced a lot of big falls

Until 2021 and after our investment in Filecoin, and after April 1, 2021, a continuous decline made us feel that prices were falling sharply, even many people were veryunacceptably。
One of the biggest performances of the average investor is to like itChase up, chase upSeeing the increase, I thought this project was valuable Even when Filecoin went from around $20 to more than $200 a month, many of them went up to $80, $100, and $200, and they were crazy to get in. After the pullback, at $100 and $80, many people came in. Then there’s a drop to 60, 50, 30, and a lot of people’s faith is shattered Even many people have withdrawn from the market, from previous fanaticism to abuse, and denial of abandonment, and to other projects

So we’re going throughFilecoinAfter entering Circle B, we also understand that this industry is not as simple as you think, but only we from the beginning, fromThe nature of the projectAs we begin to understand the value of this project, we need to go back to the previous one and re-recognize this project

 We want to think about one of the purposes of the original investment, the investmentReasonsWhat is it? Is it still true? If this project it’s aApplication typeIf the reason for the project is valid, then we have a reason to insist
If this reason is not valid and the project has not developed, he will ignore it after the coin is issued, and there will be no actual progress. Then we think the project is not worth continuing to adhere to

The reality is that the project is still moving forward, at its own pace, according to its own plan, and the original 2022 community road map, in a continuous progress, we feel that the project is still thereIn the midst of continuous development。
So the price is a manifestation of market sentiment, aThe cycle of fluctuations。

Here’s what I’ll talk aboutSeveral key points:
The first one isSearch MarketA push When the search market comes out, it acceleratesFilecoinAn output, many people worry that it will intensify another circulation of the market
First of all, the launch of the search market will be conducive to the establishment of the whole Filecoin ecosystem. After the whole ecosystem is established, one of its biggest improvements is the speed of search

 Now Filecoin’s biggest problem is that the retrieval speed is relatively slow, but it is definitely searchable, but it is relatively slow, not as some experts and teachers said that the retrieval speed is relatively slow
So there are some you can use IPFS side CID and other related combination of a technology, as well as through some intermediate third-party projects to retrieve and store, it is relatively fast
Many NFTs are now stored and retrieved through a third-party storage

software dedicated to NFT Storage, and others include Estuary estuary). There is also a web3 Storage that can be stored

After the launch of the search, Filecoin went live for more than a year, and no major security vulnerabilities occurredSafe and stableThe and IPFS have been running smoothly since 2014
Now if it’s retrieved, if I’m an enterprise and the demand side of storage, I’ll consider whether my data can be stored in Filecoin. If I’m stored in Filecoin first, the permanent storage cost is low, and the retrieval speed is fast, then II’m sure I’m willingSave this data to Filecoin

Therefore, with the development of the retrieval market and the implementation of performance, many other related requirements, the storage demander will store a lot of data to Filecoin. Moreover, many teams in Filecoin communities are developing a convenient storage tool to enable FilecoinEasier to operate。

At present, Filecoin needs to have a certain technical foundation for storing data, which is mainly aimed at developers. Therefore, Filecoin connects to some storage of 75% of the major blockchain supply chains, including the top-ranked Poca. Many of these big supply chains are bridged with Filecoin to store data inFilecoin 。

But for the general publicNot very friendlyBecause the storage interface is complex, it requires a certain technical foundation
As more simple storage applications are developed, getting started in general will be easier, and a lot of data will be stored
As you feel that Filecoin is safe, faster and less expensive, I thinkNo one refusesSuch a stored item
This is the realization of the search market development function and its significance

As more and more enterprises, customers, and individuals store, they will recognize the value of Filecoin So when he realizes storage value, will he alsoBuy a little money to hoardWhat about some Filecoin’s? I’m sure it will So Filecoin’s popularity will be promoted to more people in the general public That way, everyone’s got someFilecoinIf so, the B it flows to the trading market will be reduced, thus putting the currencyHidden in the folk, reduce its liquidity, and reduce its trading chips

The second one isFVM VMAfter virtual machines are introduced, a large number of application scenarios will drive thisFilecoinLike the search market, the use of transactions and gas consumption of Filecoin will also promote Filecoin’s visibility. More application ecosystem will be promoted to related B-circle and related customers, enterprises, and institutions that need storage ecosystem applications around the worldvisibility as

soon as I opened it, I already used Filecoin for storage, and I realized its value. As an investor or ordinary people, did I find a way to stock up on Filecoin, so that many people realized the Filecoin project and its value? So it’s in the application scenarioCirculation, a Filecoin requirement will be created

The third point is 2022, which is October 15th this year, two years ofPrivate placement dueIt will also reduce the circulation of the market
We know that the daily circulation of Filecoin in the market is about 500,000, and 300,000 of them are generated through block rewards, which is our computing power storage If there are 200,000, some are private equity, some are official foundations and official six-year release
Private equity now exists is a two-year, there is a three-year, half-year and one-year words have been released

The fourth point,Filecoin PlusReal data is growing rapidly, and ten times the reward is more neededTen times the pledge, which triggers deflation! Real data storage has become one of the troikas in 2022, and is a key project. Currently, officials and communities are actively promoting the development of the project, including upgrading the CC sector, increasing the quota of notaries, and increasing the overall share of real data storage

To sum up, the market’s circulation will beLess and lessWith more and more applications, the demand is increasing, especially for virtual machines that have to use FIL for payment transactions and gas consumption. The same is true of the EVM of the Ether Square, including the EVM of the Ether Square, which some people have used. You have to buy money from the etheric square to pay, including gas consumption

So the same is true when the FVM comes out, you have to use file currency to make payment transactions and gas consumption So in the future, it will become more and more deflationary, that is, less and less money will flow to the market, and more and more money will remain in the private sector, thus forming a deflationary mechanism As the degree of application increases and the popularity opens up, including hoarding money to buy money and keeping more and more file coins on the market It is conceivable that in the case of improvement of the general environment, FIL later, its appreciation space will be more and more broad

So we’re going to go back to the essence of the project, back to Filecoin & IPFSWhat is the biggest function? Let’s return to this value, and then combine the development of a future project and some conditions for future realization. Let’s imagine the performance of prices in the future. These words are real situations. They are practical, can be solved, and can be continuously promoted

Therefore, we can imagine why large institutions are constantly buying FIL at low levels with so much money. Although the price may not necessarily rise, many people see its value for a project with promising projects and substantial applications. But in the process of market advancement, in the case of price volatility, especially for the speculation B, he is with the price volatility of the projectEmotionsFluctuations on

In aThere’s up and down in the trainThis is a very normal phenomenon. The key is how we understand the project correctly and how we view the project ourselves, rather than what others think

First of all, understand the project yourself, firmly believe in the direction you choose, remove a lot of market noise, especially some unkind statements and judgments Everything is for good. If you see some unreasonable or imaginary saying that FIL is not good, of course, we also see whether what he says is not good is real, if it is made up. We have to wonder what his intentions are, whether he’s doing the project he wants to do, and let you throw out your file currency to do his project, and that’s whatWith no good intentionsof

Anyway, inhigh positionWhen the risk is prompted, this is normal and correct But in theLow bitWhen we should see opportunities, not for you to cut meat, for you to sell, for you to fall

Of course, you lose confidence in this project, you have no reason to stick to this project, and you don’t have to pay attention to this project

Therefore, we are not shouting slogans, nor are we imagining them out of thin air. We are really analyzing the value of this project and the progress of future development

From the project’s promotion, chips, markets and one of everyone’scognitive view. After the improvement of

the general environment, can we find a reason to stick to this project? If we do, we will stick to it These are some of the knowledge points and some of the views we share today

Personally, I know a lot of technical developers, as well as some developers of many head manufacturers, as well as official developers, will also be positive to communicate and understand One conclusion is that Filecoin & IPFS is from the perspective of technology developersA very valuable projectThis is recognized in the industry

We can’t say that this project is not good from a short-term price performance, because this project is still growing and is still advancing If you think the future prospects are broad, the current progress is correct, promising, and greater value can be achieved in the future, then the lower the price is the better opportunity to enter the market?Think backwards

Another, if I’m a new investor, I’ve been waiting and watching for six months or a year, watching whether IPFS & Filecoin is developing continuously, and what is its value and significance? What is the contribution? So at such a low price now, I didn’t sell before, I’m not a good chance to sell now

So there were people getting off, and there would be people getting on, fromData onIt can also be shown that the computing power of the whole network is growing positive every day, or it is growing from 20P to 30P. You can imagine that many computing power of the network is not renewed. So now you’re seeing 20P-30P of the new entry, and you’re multiplying it by 2, and there’s some of the due arithmetic that’s 540 days a day For now, it’s been due every day since February

You have to think about it, if it’spositive numberIf you subtract his non-renewal power, so you can speculate that the new growth can be seen by multiplying the positive growth by 2 or 3 Because the pledge currency is relatively small now, so many new funds are still being encapsulated, as well as growth arithmetic, and some investment institutions are directly buying B hoard B
Some of the whales tracked by B’s chain recentlyFish big familyOne organization has bought 200,000 documents, which are public and not public, so we analyze the data to judge this trend, and we come up with a reason to stick to it

One more thing to tell you, the official word,Filecoin is a financing program for compliance with the SEC and regulatoryIt is just like the stock market. Stock-related executives, board secretaries, etc., who involve some inside information, cannot evaluate the Filecoin project, and cannot make relevant comments, that is, comments that affect the price, whether positive or negative

We can see that the only thing the official can do is to follow his own steps, continuously develop the project, expand the influence of the project, hold all kinds of activities, hold all kinds of hacker pine, what is hacker pine? It is all competitions that technical developers participate in, a competition of the project, and the display and exchange of the development achievements of the project. Therefore, we can see some official developments, which are advancing the project at their own pace He won’t say because iThe price has gone down,When I’m in a bad mood, I don’t do anything, I don’t want to do any projects, and I don’t

So as investors, why do we often send some in the public addressOfficial newsIt is to tell everyone that as long as the official is actively working and actively promoting the development of the project, if the goal set by the official is achieved, you can realize the value of the project in the future. This is one of the reasons for our insistence

So to sum up all the analysis, 1U 2U, even if it is a few, the following words are certainIt’s gon na go upThis is an inevitable trend Then the price rises it is not a single reason, not that my project development is how good, I have what good it will rise

The firstThe first is the environment, bit ether these rise or not, if it goes up, it will follow So other currencies if said B circle continued to doldrums, he will not say out of the independent market, the general mainstream public chain tokens, generally will not out of what independent market Just when some B rises a little faster, when some B falls is slow, if the resistance will sometimes make up for the fall, so the market is more complex some performance

Anyway, in the nextUp cycleWhen it comes, Filecoin will certainly rise faster, so we can clearly understand that you are not afraid of it falling, the more it falls, because you believe it will rise later, when will it rise? Depending on the environment of the whole market, those currencies that go out of the independent market are small currencies, or what kind of capital market, in order to attract attention, through some of their own funds, some of the capital control plate operation, and then generally the small currency of the small plate. So get through this period of decline

We’ve just said that what we’ve witnessed recently is a sustained downturn in Circle B in 18 or 19 years, and after the lows, we’ve seen aMagnificent wavesThe bull market, 2020 to 2021 So once these markets rise, the speed is also very fast, of course, the speed of falling is quite fast

Let’s get to know this rightValue of the projectRecognising some of the factors of price ups and downs, we have one more reason to stick to it and look at the market calmly Then think more if you’re still going on, think more about how to increase, can you find a way to reinvest, increase the B number, and then respond positively, treat optimistically, wait for the price to rise, and your number becomes more. Then your market value will soon come back, than the average complaining and then scolding people who do this useless work every day, you are rational, you are more quantity, because market value is equal to price multiplied by quantity The price you can’t control, all we can do isQuantity。

The advantage of the Filecoin project is that it can be produced after the pledge, and you can pledge after the output. This is to give a deep understanding of the advantages of the project. We fully utilize the project and cultivate the industryinterest rolling interest compound interestof the investment, so your number keeps increasing Then within a year and a half, you’re still producing, and the output can be reinvested, and a year and a half later your pledge expires and you can do another operation

If you approve of this project, we should actively do what we can do, rather than always thinking about the price of this market, how can I let run to the official message, quickly pull the plate this useless thing What we can do is do ourselves well, adjust our mentality, seize this opportunity, and how to increase the number of Bs. This is how we truly live up to this 

industry.It’s a shame to live up to our understanding of the industry

Because the encryption circle in the world at present, it is not many people, and it is a period of opportunity, so we should seize this opportunity, grasp the trend of history
If the If Web3 is a trend, Filecoin is an infrastructure and an essential link and project.

作者 fil lover
