Node data: from 0 to 24 on June 6th, the total force was 5+PB; New computing power 0TB on the day; When the number of sunrise blocks 2; Block bonus: 42.02FIL; Storage yield per T: 0.0078FIL/T (average yield per T over 48 days: 0.0182FIL). 文章导航 June 7, FIL data statistics: pledged currency increased by about 108604, the circulation increased by 440027, the number of accounts in general ledger increased by 554, and the destruction increased by 11,067 June 8, FIL data statistics: the pledged currency increased by about 129,452, the circulation increased by 432,977, the number of accounts in the general ledger increased by 588, and the destruction increased by 14,015