Nov. 29 FIL Statistics: Real data increased by 2.93P to 365.07P (about 188,000 FIL pledged), net counting increased by 8.192PiB, pledges decreased by 2306, destruction increased by 8401, inflation by 522,408 (more recently), account addresses increased by 573, storage providers decreased by 11

Interplanetary File System IPFS is a globally oriented, peer-to-peer distributed storage file system designed to complement (replace) HTTP faster, more secure, more robust, and more durable. Filecoin is the IPFS incentive layer, an incentive token for distributed storage nodes over IPFS protocol, and was officially launched on the mainnet on October 15, 2020.

Filecoin counts net effective power of 18.968EiB, an increase of 0.008EIB (8.192PiB) in the last 24 hours from 11/28 11:30pm to 11/29 14:30pm, pledges down 2306FIL, destruction up 8401FIL, Circulation increased by 530809FIL (the block reward is 270685FIL), single T revenue was 0.0137FIL, decreased by 0.0000FIL, single T pledge increased by 0.0094FIL (single T pledge to 6.2784FIL), total account number exceeded 1.97 million increased by 573. Active storage providers down 11, keep up the good work!!
The total amount released is about 567,7507,722 million FIL, an increase of 590,680 FIL from yesterday.

Filecoin Plus real data currently 365.07PiB, an increase of 2.93PiB in the last 24 hours (equivalent to 29.3P of regular calculation, pledged about 188,000 FIL), an increase of 7947FIL in the agreed revenue within 24 hours, a total agreed revenue of 34,000,000 FIL, and a new terminated sector calculation within 30 days: 8.43 PiB.

作者 fil lover
