March 24: DC real data increased in 24 hours –P up to –P (10 times of computing power accounts for –% of the whole network, pledge about — 10,000 FIL) The whole network computing power increased by 23.552PiB to 19.379EiB (record high), the original computing power decreased –P total amount of –EiB, pledge increased by 167451FIL, The amount of destruction increased by 25,743fil to 0.35214 billion FIL, the inflation was 130,342, the account address increased by 1,320, the total account exceeded 2.08 million, increased by 10,000 in 3 days since the last time of 2.07 million on March 16, the shortest time in recent years, and the storage provider increased by 4

Interplanetary file System IPFS is a globally oriented, peer-to-peer distributed storage file system designed to complement (replace) HTTP faster, more secure, more robust, and more durable. Filecoin is the IPFS incentive layer, which is an incentive token for distributed storage nodes over IPFS protocol. Filecoin was officially launched on the mainnet on October 15, 2020.

The Filecoin FVM has been online since March 14, 2023 at 23:14. As of today, 406 smart contracts have been deployed in the 11 days, an increase of 17 in the last 24 hours; A total of 37,091 contracts were traded, an increase of 1,104 over the past 24 hours; Gas destruction totaled 95,607 FIL, an increase of 1.8913FIL in the last 24 hours.

Filecoin calculates the net effective computing power of 19.379EiB (record high, current high is 19.379EiB), There has been an increase of 0.023EIB (23.552PiB), an increase of 16,7451fil in pledges, and an increase of 25,743fil in destruction in the last 24 hours from 11.30 on March 23 to 14.30 on March 24, Circulation increased by 323536FIL (where block reward is 231450FIL, single block reward dropped to 17.0327FIL), single T revenue was 0.0114FIL (record low), a decrease of 0.0001FIL, Single T pledge decreased by 0.0032FIL (single T pledge to 6.9344FIL), Gas was 1.3272FIL (32G sector), total account number exceeded 2.08 million and increased by 1320 (more recently) (increased by 10,000 three days after the last time of 2.07 million on March 16, the shortest time in recent years). Active storage provider nodes 3685 + 4 Keep up the good work!!
The total amount released was 62,800,3639 million FIL, an increase of 518,448 FIL from the day before.

作者 fil lover
