September 29 FIL data statistics: real data exceeded 200.33P, pledged coins increased by 20,098, circulation increased by 526,199, destruction increased by 11905, account addresses increased by 708 (the most recently)

IPFS is a globally oriented, peer-to-peer distributed storage file system designed to complement (replace) HTTP faster, more secure, more robust, and more durable. Filecoin is the IPFS incentive layer, an incentive token for distributed storage nodes on the IPFS protocol, and was officially launched on the main network on October 15, 2020.

Filecoin has added 0.06 EiB (61.44P) in the last 24 hours from 11:30pm on September 28 to 11:30pm on September 29, 200,98fil in pledges, 119,05fil in destruction, Circulation increased by 526199FIL (block reward is 281149FIL, others are private placement and official release), single T income increased by 0.0001FIL, single T pledge decreased by 0.0128FIL, the number of general ledger households exceeded 1.92 million increased by 708 (the most recently), active storage providers increased by 8, come on!! !

Filecoin Plus real data is currently 200.33PiB, an increase of 2.01PiB in the last 24 hours, an increase of 13128FIL in the last 24 hours, a total agreement revenue of 3.304 million FIL, 30-day new terminated sector calculation power: 31.76PiB.

作者 fil lover
