information October 28 FIL Data statistics: Real data increased by 2.67P, computing power increased by 60.46P (the most recently) pledged by 43,405, inflation by 427,757 10 月 28, 2022 fil lover October 28 FIL data statistics…
information October 27 FIL Data statistics: real data up to 269P, computation power reduced by 5.12P, destruction increased by 50,000 (most recently) Inflation 388,000 (least recently) 10 月 27, 2022 fil lover October 27 FIL Data Statistics…
information October 26 FIL data statistics: real data increased 1.85P, computing power decreased 17P, single T pledge rose to 6FIL, manufacturers since May this year for the first time below 4 thousand 10 月 26, 2022 fil lover October 26 FIL Data Statistics…
information Node data on October 23, 24, and 25 10 月 26, 2022 fil lover Node data on October 25 Node d…
information October 23 FIL Data statistics: Real data increased by 2.29P, computing power decreased by 41P, pledges decreased by 90,113 (most recent) Inflation 594,809 (most recent) 10 月 23, 2022 fil lover October 23 FIL Data Statistics…
information October 22 FIL data statistics: real data pledge 158,000 FIL, computing power reduced by 7P, pledge reduced 51309 (more recently) inflation 558,963 (more) 10 月 22, 2022 fil lover October 22 FIL Data Statistics…