Interplanetary File System IPFS is a globally oriented, point-to-point distributed storage file system designed to complement (replace) HTTP for faster, more secure, more robust, and more durable storage. Filecoin is an IPFS incentive layer, an incentive token for distributed storage nodes over the IPFS protocol. Filecoin was officially launched on the main network on October 15, 2020.

FIL statistics the effective calculation force of the whole network, from the last 11:30 on May 1 to 11:30 on May 2 today in the past 24 hours increased by 0.026EIB, pledged currency increased by about 51167, destruction volume increased by 22617, flux increased by 510600, single T income increased by 0.0001, The single T pledge has decreased by 0.02, the number of general ledger accounts has increased by 729 and the active storage provider has decreased by 1, come on!!
