New Blockchain Academy Lab will provide education and training to support understanding of decentralized technology

Filecoin Foundation is thrilled to announce its award to the Blockchain Law for Social Good Center at Golden Gate University School of Law to create the Filecoin Foundation Blockchain Academy Lab (the Lab). With the Filecoin Foundation’s support, the Lab will create opportunities for students and others to learn about decentralized storage, technologies behind Web3, and the next generation of the internet. The Filecoin Foundation Blockchain Academy Lab will host meetups, various trainings, and other events that broaden the understanding of open and decentralized technologies, and how they can be harnessed for good.

“Over the past year, we’ve seen a surging interest in the technology powering cryptocurrency and Web3,” said Michele Neitz, Blockchain Law for Social Good Center Founding Director. “As a Bay Area law school, we want to provide our students–and our larger community–with the resources they need to learn about these innovative, emerging technologies and their socially beneficial uses. With Filecoin Foundation’s support, we’re excited to create a curriculum to meet the growing demand for educational resources.”

With the support of this award, the Lab will create specialized programs such as the Community College Professor Training Program, an exciting effort that will begin in Bay Area community colleges with the aim to expand to the Central Valley’s underserved communities in order to empower more professors with knowledge about decentralized technology. The Lab will also host monthly workshops tailored for state and local government offices and launch the Teaching Fellow Program, an initiative to prepare the next generation of blockchain experts in legal education and foster champions within academia who can impart the benefits of open, decentralized technologies to future generations.

The Lab will be accessible to individuals around the world interested in the decentralized web, through video-conferencing and virtual events.

“We are excited to partner with the Blockchain Law for Social Good Center to create the Filecoin Foundation Blockchain Academy Lab,” said Marta Belcher, president and chair of the Filecoin Foundation. “We are thrilled to work together to provide education about the next generation of the Web.”

To learn more about upcoming events at the Filecoin Foundation Blockchain Academy Lab, visit
