๐Ÿ”ฆ Highlights

switches to ESM only, upgrades to libp2p 0.37.x and brings lightweight PeerIds

[email protected] is rocketing forward with major improvements to its foundations along with many small bug fixes and performance improvements!

#๐Ÿงฑ ESM

A module system lets us organise our code in way that makes sense for our application. Without a module system, everything is one big file and/or namespace and total chaos.

ECMAScript Modules (opens new window)are the module system for JavaScript.

Other modules systems have been implemented in the past (e.g., CommonJS (opens new window)RequireJS (opens new window)), but these have all been userland solutions to the problem of how to organize your JavaScript; none of them have ever been part of the language.

This means in order to take advantage of a module system, you need to run your code through a bundler such as webpack (opens new window)or esbuild (opens new window), which introduces a build step and means you can’t just run a js file. We’ve got so used to needing the platform (e.g., node) to support a userland module system (e.g., CommonJS) or needing all this additional tooling that adds complexity and makes things slow.

The beginning of change started in 2015 with ES6 (opens new window), which among other things introduced the module specification.

By now the import/export syntax for modules should be familiar. It’s used in TypeScript (opens new window)React (opens new window)and other environments, mostly via transpilation by such tools as babel (opens new window).

Back in 2018, FireFox shipped v60, which meant all major browsers supported ES modules. Node.js was the final platform that needed support. Node.js actually released support behind a flag in v8.5.0 in 2017 but it was only with v13.2.0 in 2019 that it came out from behind that flag and with v14.8.0 in 2021 that top-level await was also enabled by default.

With v16 becoming Active LTS in October last year it meant we were finally able (opens new window)to upgrade to ESM an embrace the bright new bundlerless future.

With [email protected] and [email protected] both modules are published exclusively as ESM.

There are migration guides available for libp2p (opens new window)and ipfs (opens new window).

If you are running in a CJS environment (e.g., node before v14.8), you’ll need to either convert your codebase to ESM, or use the dynamic import function (opens new window)to load ipfs and/or libp2p. Note that ipfs and libp2p are only tested fully on Active and Current LTS versions, which is v16+ at the time of writing.

#libp2p in TypeScript

With the [email protected] release, libp2p has been entirely rewritten from the ground up in TypeScript.

This has given us a more stable and predictable base on which to build next generation distributed projects, as well as better support for automated tooling, code completion, docs and a generally greatly improved developer experience.

A large scale re-evaluation of the exposed interfaces has taken place which is a breaking change. Please see the [email protected] migration guide (opens new window)for any changes you will need to make to your application.

#lightweight PeerIds

The PeerId (opens new window)is a core concept of libp2p. PeerIds let us identify remote peers and verify data those peers send to us, since they are either a hash of a public key in the case of an RSA (opens new window)derived PeerId, or the public key itself in the case of an Ed25519 (opens new window)PeerId.

Prior to [email protected], the PeerId concept was implemented by the peer-id (opens new window)module. The class exported by this module was capable of all sorts of encryption-related operations, some of which required heavyweight JavaScript modules such as node-forge (opens new window)since the web-crypto API (opens new window)lacks certain algorithms and operations that are used by the libp2p/IPFS ecosystems.

Depending on these modules carries a significant cost for browser bundles, and the operations they are supposed to support are not used in places like ipfs-http-client rendering the peer-id module unsuitable for use in lightweight front-end applications that may only orchestrate a remote IPFS node.

This has meant that PeerIds are represented as strings throughout the IPFS core-api (opens new window)which makes them very hard to reason about in parts of the API where a string could be a PeerId, a multiaddr (opens new window), an IPNS Name (opens new window)or something else.

With the new @libp2p/peer-id (opens new window)module, this is no longer the case and implementations of the PeerId interface (opens new window)are essentially thin wrappers around Uint8Arrays that contain the serialized forms of the public and/or private keys, so we can now pass them back to front-end code and have all the benefits of type safety.

The cryptographic operations and the heavy deps they require are now encapsulated within the @libp2p/crypto (opens new window)module which in general is not used by front end code.

This is also a breaking change. Please see the [email protected] upgrade guide (opens new window)for any changes you will need to make to your application.


  • This module is now ESM only and the return types of some methods have changed.

Please see the [email protected] upgrade guide (opens new window)for any changes you will need to make to your application.



  • The following workspace dependencies were updated
    • dependencies
      • ipfs-cli bumped from ^0.12.3 to ^0.13.0
      • ipfs-core bumped from ^0.14.3 to ^0.15.0
    • devDependencies
      • interface-ipfs-core bumped from ^0.154.2 to ^0.155.0
      • ipfs-client bumped from ^0.7.8 to ^0.8.0
      • ipfs-core-types bumped from ^0.10.3 to ^0.11.0
      • ipfs-http-client bumped from ^56.0.3 to ^57.0.0

#๐Ÿ˜ Huge thank you to everyone that made this release possible

