information FIL data statistics on February 2: DC data increased 2.66P, single block bonus fell below 19FIL, circulation increased by 1.5m within 48 hours, power expiration 19P, new pledge high February 3, 2023 fil lover FIL statistics on February 2nd…
information FIL data statistics on January 29: DC data increased by 2.29P, circulation increased by 590,000, pledge decreased by 67,000, calculation power increased by 14P, calculation power due by 53P, pledge new high January 29, 2023 fil lover FIL Statistics on January 29: …
information FIL data statistics on January 28: DC data increased by 2.61P, circulation increased by 810,000, pledge decreased by 280,000, calculation reduced by 18P, calculation due by 53P, and pledge reached a new high January 28, 2023 fil lover FIL Statistics on January 28: …
information FIL data statistics on January 27: DC data increased by 2.69P, calculation power decreased by 33P, pledge decreased by 69,000, calculation power due by 54P, total release of 599 million, pledge a new high January 27, 2023 fil lover FIL Statistics as of January 2…
information FIL data statistics on January 26: DC data increased by 2.46P, addresses exceeded 2.02 million, calculation power decreased by 17P, pledge decreased by 82,000, calculation due 54P, pledge new high January 26, 2023 fil lover FIL Statistics on January 26: …
information FIL data statistics on January 25: DC data increased 2.52P to 520P, calculation reduced 8P, pledge reduced 16K, calculation due 54P, Gas low, pledge high January 26, 2023 fil lover FIL Stats January 25: DC real …
information FIL data statistics on January 24th: DC data increased by 2.6P to 518P, calculation decreased by 27P, pledge decreased by 68,000, calculation due 55P, and Gas was low January 24, 2023 fil lover FIL Statistics on January 24: …
information FIL data statistics on January 23: DC data increased by 2.71P, calculation increased by 29P to 18.911E, pledge decreased by 33,000, calculation due 55P, and Gas was low January 23, 2023 fil lover FIL Statistics on January 23: …