information FIL data on June 5: more than 2.21 million addresses; Daily increase of 102P, more recently, finally 21.113E, a new high; DC increased by 5.2P; Deflation of 60,000; A pledge of $250,000 June 5, 2023 fil lover
information June 4th FIL data: DC increased by 5.3P; 21.013EiB; Inflation of $200,000; Pledge 120,000 yuan; 25,000 destroyed; Single T returns 0.0094 June 4, 2023 fil lover
information FIL data on June 3: DC increased by 4.8P, accounting for 49.7%; Deflation of 80,000; A pledge of 250,000 yuan; 25,000 destroyed; 190 thousand in circulation; A total of 662 million were released June 3, 2023 fil lover
information FIL data on June 2nd: Computing power exceeded 21EiB, a new high, 1EiB increased in 30 days, an average of 34.1P per day; DC increased by 4.6P over 1.04E, accounting for 49.5% June 2, 2023 fil lover
information FIL data on June 1: FVM locks up 100,000 new to 2.9 million; DC increased 4.5P to 1.04E; Computing power increased by 7P to 20.95E, a new high; Gas drop June 1, 2023 fil lover
information On April 21, FIL data statistics: the pledged currency increased by about 98762, the circulation increased by 471023, the number of accounts in the general ledger increased by 1514, and the destruction increased by 15442 April 21, 2022 fil lover Interplanetary File System IPF…
information Announcing Filecoin Storage Provider Mentorship Grants (FSPM) April 21, 2022 fil lover The success of Storage Provide…
information Filebase: Building Web3 with Web3 April 21, 2022 fil lover Filebase is the world’s first …
information Official and global community dynamics: Join boost AMA at 11 a.m. EST on Wednesday and answer all your questions about what it is and how to start April 20, 2022 fil lover
information Official: Fil total active address more than 1.8 million, daily active 11,200, a daily increase of 11,000; The introduction of FVM virtual machines will grow significantly April 20, 2022 fil lover
information Attention:Fil three general accounts with a total of about 60 million Fil and growing! 50% of 122 million in circulation? What is the desire? Not enough money? Not yet? April 20, 2022 fil lover In addition: 4 to 12 holding p…
Uncategorized Filecoin抢尽风头?引起更多关注!此次突涨,会持续吗?还是昙花一现? April 19, 2022 fly9166 原文始发于微信公众号(星际文件IPFS):Filecoin抢…