information FIL data on June 5: more than 2.21 million addresses; Daily increase of 102P, more recently, finally 21.113E, a new high; DC increased by 5.2P; Deflation of 60,000; A pledge of $250,000 6 月 5, 2023 fil lover
information June 4th FIL data: DC increased by 5.3P; 21.013EiB; Inflation of $200,000; Pledge 120,000 yuan; 25,000 destroyed; Single T returns 0.0094 6 月 4, 2023 fil lover
information FIL data on June 3: DC increased by 4.8P, accounting for 49.7%; Deflation of 80,000; A pledge of 250,000 yuan; 25,000 destroyed; 190 thousand in circulation; A total of 662 million were released 6 月 3, 2023 fil lover
information FIL data on June 2nd: Computing power exceeded 21EiB, a new high, 1EiB increased in 30 days, an average of 34.1P per day; DC increased by 4.6P over 1.04E, accounting for 49.5% 6 月 2, 2023 fil lover
information FIL data on June 1: FVM locks up 100,000 new to 2.9 million; DC increased 4.5P to 1.04E; Computing power increased by 7P to 20.95E, a new high; Gas drop 6 月 1, 2023 fil lover
information On April 21, FIL data statistics: the pledged currency increased by about 98762, the circulation increased by 471023, the number of accounts in the general ledger increased by 1514, and the destruction increased by 15442 4 月 21, 2022 fil lover Interplanetary File System IPF…
information Announcing Filecoin Storage Provider Mentorship Grants (FSPM) 4 月 21, 2022 fil lover The success of Storage Provide…
information Official and global community dynamics: Join boost AMA at 11 a.m. EST on Wednesday and answer all your questions about what it is and how to start 4 月 20, 2022 fil lover
information Official: Fil total active address more than 1.8 million, daily active 11,200, a daily increase of 11,000; The introduction of FVM virtual machines will grow significantly 4 月 20, 2022 fil lover
information Attention:Fil three general accounts with a total of about 60 million Fil and growing! 50% of 122 million in circulation? What is the desire? Not enough money? Not yet? 4 月 20, 2022 fil lover In addition: 4 to 12 holding p…
Uncategorized Filecoin抢尽风头?引起更多关注!此次突涨,会持续吗?还是昙花一现? 4 月 19, 2022 fly9166 原文始发于微信公众号(星际文件IPFS):Filecoin抢…